With grim, grubby retro-future styling, Michael Radford's movie, originally released in the eponymous year, is the best adaptation of George Orwell's feel-bad totalitarian parable. As reluctant rebel Winston Smith, John Hurt is perfect?looks like he's spent his life in misery. The revelation is Richard Burton, weighed down with strange love, melancholy and menace in his final role as O'Brien, the investigator who takes Hurt under his wing to crush him.
With grim, grubby retro-future styling, Michael Radford’s movie, originally released in the eponymous year, is the best adaptation of George Orwell’s feel-bad totalitarian parable. As reluctant rebel Winston Smith, John Hurt is perfect?looks like he’s spent his life in misery. The revelation is Richard Burton, weighed down with strange love, melancholy and menace in his final role as O’Brien, the investigator who takes Hurt under his wing to crush him.