Released as part of an Eastwood box set, this finds Clint and Richard Burton breaking into a Nazi-held Alpine fortress to rescue a US general, then spectacularly blazing their way out. With bombings, knifings, shootings and that famous fracas atop a cable car, the body count is gratifyingly high. One wonders, given the bloody duo's amazing strike-rate, why they didn't ride their luck and continue straight on to Berlin.
Released as part of an Eastwood box set, this finds Clint and Richard Burton breaking into a Nazi-held Alpine fortress to rescue a US general, then spectacularly blazing their way out. With bombings, knifings, shootings and that famous fracas atop a cable car, the body count is gratifyingly high. One wonders, given the bloody duo’s amazing strike-rate, why they didn’t ride their luck and continue straight on to Berlin.