Original cast members of the classic 1984 film 'Ghostbusters' have signed up to make a brand new computer game based on the franchise. Original script writers of the film and it's 1989 sequel 'Ghostbusters II' Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis will write the games' script - set in early 90s New York with a new ghoul invasion. Actors Bill Murray, Ernie Hudson, Aykroyd and Ramis will all provide voices for the game, produced by Vivendi games, reports Hollywood trade publication Variety. 'Ghostbusters' follows the success of other films that have been 'continued' successfully in the gaming world in recently, including The Godfather and last year's Scarface. Vivendi Games' chief executive Bruce Hack said: "We noticed we did well on Scarface and were alert for new opportunities to turn iconic film products into games in a way that is a new manifestation of the franchise. Ghostbusters is unquestionably among the small number of movies in that class." The game is expected to be released for all major consoles in late 2008. Pic credit: Kobal Collection/ The Picture Desk
Original cast members of the classic 1984 film ‘Ghostbusters‘ have signed up to make a brand new computer game based on the franchise.
Original script writers of the film and it’s 1989 sequel ‘Ghostbusters II’ Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis will write the games’ script – set in early 90s New York with a new ghoul invasion.
Actors Bill Murray, Ernie Hudson, Aykroyd and Ramis will all provide voices for the game, produced by Vivendi games, reports Hollywood trade publication Variety.
‘Ghostbusters’ follows the success of other films that have been ‘continued’ successfully in the gaming world in recently, including The Godfather and last year’s Scarface.
Vivendi Games’ chief executive Bruce Hack said: “We noticed we did well on Scarface and were alert for new opportunities to turn iconic film products into games in a way that is a new manifestation of the franchise. Ghostbusters is unquestionably among the small number of movies in that class.”
The game is expected to be released for all major consoles in late 2008.
Pic credit: Kobal Collection/ The Picture Desk