Michael Bonner

Ask Will Oldham

Palace Brother, Bonnie Prince, actor … Now Will Oldham is set to answer your questions in Uncut as part of our regular Audience With... feature. So is there anything you've always wanted to ask Will..? You’ve appeared in arthouse films and a Kanye West video. Which has been the most rewarding experience? You’re a big Sinatra fan. What’s your favourite Frank song? Johnny Cash covered your song, “I See A Darkness”. How did that come about? Send your questions to us by noon, Friday March 30 to

Neil Young On His New Album, ‘Americana’

Neil Young has penned brief historical details about each of the songs on Americana, his forthcoming album with Crazy Horse. Comprised on classic American folk songs including “Clementine”, “She’ll Be Coming Round The Mountain” and “Gallow’s Pole”, it features some arrangements originally made by The Squires, the band Neil Young formed in 1963 while at High School in Winnepeg.

Alan Garner and the old, weird Albion

The announcement came at the very end of last week that the novelist Alan Garner has written the third instalment of a story he began in 1960 with The Weirdstone Of Brisingamen. To anyone raised in the Seventies like me, the news might have prompted a sudden, sharp reconnection with their childhood; The Weirdstone, and its 1963 sequel The Moon Of Gomrath, were touchstones of my adolescent reading.

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