Michael Bonner

Green Man — Joanna Newsom, Vashti Bunyan and Robert Plant

Green Man. It’s all sylvan meadows, scampering deer, Hobits dancing in secluded woodland glades. Oh, OK, like all festivals this summer it’s a big sheet of grey mud and a big sheet of grey sky. But Green Man is different.

Edinburgh Film Festival — Saturday round up

It's raining at the moment and the press screenings have temporarily halted to allow the local cinemas to let real people in to see normal movies, like The Bourne Ultimatum. I thought I'd take advantage of this lull in the proceedings to catch up with what I've seen.

Edinburgh Film Festival — my favourite film so far!

Okay, so the best thing about film festivals is stumbling into a film about which you know absolutely nothing and walk out, 90 minutes later, convinced you've just seen the best film of your life. So, let me tell you about In Search Of A Midnight Kiss, then.

Edinburgh Film Festival — John Waters

Last night, I went to see John Waters' latest, a part memoir/part standup act called This Filthy World, followed by a Q+A with the director. It was, as you might expect, all in pretty poor taste, as camp as a row of tents and very, very funny.

Edinburgh Film Festival — blog the first

Greetings from gusty Edinburgh, where this year's Film Festival is kicking into its first full day, and there's a few hangovers from last night's Opening Gala party.

Edinburgh Film Festival — the pre-blog!

Tomorrow, I'm off to the Edinburgh Film Festival. I've got loads of fond memories of previous years -- many of them, I have to admit, caught up in Scotland's marvellous, forward-thinking policy towards pub opening times -- but this year's festival promises a bundle of fine films.

Field Day — Victoria Park, Saturday August 11

This week's new festival is, in the words of promoter Tom Baker (no, not that one), a "psychedelic Summer fete". So, we're promised welly golf, hog roasts, a jumble sale along side some Acid Folk in the shape of Vetiver and Bat For Lashes, plus a strong mix of cutting-edge names including Battles, the Aliens and Four Tet.

Blowing up the world — or: how I stopped worrying and learned to love Michael Bay

"Is Michael Bay the Devil?" Screams the headline on a 1998 Entertainment Weekly article that's currently posted on Michael Bay's website. Certainly, there's a large number of film critics out there who seem to hold the director personally responsible for pretty much everything that's Wrong in movies.

Elton John — “shut down the Internet.”

Apologies, first, that this isn't my usual film blog, but I was pretty shocked to read in a tabloid newspaper this morning that self-confessed "technophobe" Elton John would like to see the Internet shut down for five years -- "to see what sort of art is produced over that span."

Preview — Edinburgh Film Festival

Flying cocks, dead beagles and Michael Jackson’s private Burns Unit. Here’s our 5 Must See movies showing at next month’s Edinburgh International Film Festival...

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