
Shoot For The Stars

The Addiction plug straight back into the main vein

Good Golly Miss Polly

West country girl's long-awaited return sees renewed quest for left-field status

The Hi-Lo Country

Soul-searching partners on a trip to Dreamland

Willard Grant Conspiracy, Grand Drive, Horse Stories – Union Chapel, London

From Melbourne via LA, Horse Stories' frontman Toby Burke stands alone, and sends his lovely voice soaring up into the Union Chapel's vaulted darkness. He's essentially a singer-songwriter dressed in country raiment, but it fits him well. His is an elegant melancholy; peals of electric guitar lapping against his songs like a mournful tide. You feel he deserves an orchestra. Grand Drive's Julian and Danny Wilson were originally from Australia, but grew up in south London.

Finger On The Trigger

Rock'n'roll poetry's high priestess still has the fire

The Blasters – Dingwalls, London

Tonight, Dave Alvin looks like a man out to settle an old score. With his gunslinger necktie and low-slung guitar, he fires off endless streams of ballistic invective, mostly aimed at Phil, his big barrel-shaped brother and Blasters frontman. The fabled legend of Dave and Phil Alvin and the band they formed in Downey, California is straight out of the sibling rivalry rock'n'roll handbook that stretches from Don and Phil Everly all the way up to Noel and Liam Gallagher.

Park Psychosis

Three days of mixed magic and Madness in leafy Surrey, from Thea Gilmore, Love, Cosmic Rough Riders, Alice Cooper, Jesse Malin, a befezzed marching band and more...

Racing At The Speed Of Light

Athens, Georgia's finest back at the Academy, facing the future, taking on all comers

Mull Historical Society – Zodiac, Oxford

On the intro tape, Johnny Cash's austerely remorseless "The Man Comes Around" sets the mood, then Colin MacIntyre's men come pounding out of the traps. For this mini tour, the school choir, feather boa and inflatable sheep of previous expeditions have been packed away, in favour of frill-free punk aggression.

Cream On Me

The unstoppable Stones take Germany by storm and prove themselves the greatest rock'n'roll band on the planet

Editor's Picks
