
First Look – Big Star: Nothing Can Hurt Me

It's a busy month for fans of Big Star and their mercurial leader, Alex Chilton. There is a new biography, Holly George-Warren's A Man Called Destruction: The Life And Music Of Alex Chilton, From Box Tops To Big Star To Backdoor Man, the news that the first two Big Star albums - for so many years, only available as a two-fer - are getting remastered and reissued and separate albums. And today this documentary, Big Star: Nothing Can Hurt Me, finally opens in UK cinemas two years on from its debut at South By South West in March 2012.

If you liked True Detective, why not try Galveston?

The blood has barely dried on the first series of HBO's True Detective talk has already turned to Season Two. At the time of writing, it's hard to think of an A-list actor or actress who, at some point over the last few months, hasn't had their name bandied around in connection with future series of the show.

In praise of Nicolas Cage in Joe

For a time, both Nicolas Cage and filmmaker David Gordon Green have separately been drifting away from what they do best. Joe, however, reminds us what both men are capable when the gears are shifting in the right sequence.

Monty Python Live (Mostly), O2 Arena, London, July 15, 2014

When Mick Jagger recently appeared in a promotion sketch, dryly describing these Monty Python reunion shows as "a bunch of wrinkly old men trying to relive their youth", it demonstrated that the Pythons still have the rock star heft of their ‘70s pomp.

Reviewed! Neil Young & Crazy Horse, London Hyde Park, July 12, 2014

It is hard to tell where Neil Young and what we can just about call Crazy Horse end their main set in Hyde Park, Saturday night. "Rockin' In The Free World" has spluttered to a conclusion, of sorts, and the band appear to have left the stage. Then, you notice Young remains amidst the debris, pointing agitatedly at the word printed across his new t-shirt: "EARTH".

In praise of Richard Linklater’s Boyhood

There is a telling scene early on in Boyhood that gets to the heart of what makes Richard Linklater’s new film so remarkable.

Reviewed! Jack White live at the Hammersmith Apollo, July 3, 2014

What strange music Jack White makes these days. At the end of this hot, compelling, tempestuous show, he stands triumphantly on a monitor, guitar held high above head like the hammer of Thor, every inch the conquering stadium rocker.

“Old Glastonburys never die, they just move to their own field…”

Sunday night I was not, I must admit, watching Kasabian on the BBC’s coverage of Glastonbury. Instead, I was… well, gripped would be the wrong word, but somehow compelled to watch every last hideous minute of the match between Greece and Costa Rica, a game that acted as kind of evil payback for all the good football karma this World Cup has accrued. Applying this logic to rock music, a friend pointed out, I probably should have been watching Kasabian, too.

Glastonbury Day 3: Massive Attack

The witching hour draws near on Sunday night in Glastonbury. Time for local heroes Massive Attack to bring the noise to the Other Stage before it goes dark for another year.

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