
The Strokes and Little Joy’s “Little Joy”

We were playing the new album by Fab Moretti and his other band, Little Joy, yesterday, when talk turned somewhat inevitably to The Strokes. The Reviews Ed was saying how much he liked the second Strokes album, and then we were trying to remember much about the third album: he recalled not rating it; I seemed to have fondish memories of about four tracks, but couldn’t remember a single title, let alone a tune.

The 40th Uncut Playlist Of 2008

Dylan fever continues apace here, as you may have seen with our pretty extensive series of transcripts from our current cover story. Now "Tell Tale Signs" is out, though, I wonder if the outrage over the 3CD price that came pouring out over here is still coming? If you've bought the box this week, was the third CD and the book of completely unrelated sleeve art worth that extra £80 or so?

Kieran Hebden & Steve Reid: “NYC”

I’ve just been playing this Art Ensemble Of Chicago thing from 1970 on Soul Jazz, “Les Stances A Sophie”, so it seems logical to follow it up with the fourth duo recording by Steve Reid and Kieran Hebden.

Times New Viking: “Stay Awake”

I don’t listen to music in headphones that often, but some kind of meeting nearby has meant the stereo has been switched off this morning, and I’ve been forced to listen to the high-end fuzz attack of Times New Viking up close.

Oasis and class

A bit late in the day, but I just got round to reading a couple of things in this morning's Guardian. One is Matt Bolton's piece on the class war in British indie. The other is Alexis Petridis' customarily thought-provoking review of Oasis' "Dig Out Your Soul".

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