
23 Skidoo

Singles and rarities collections from pioneering punk funksters

The Pretty Things – Singles As & Bs

R&B/psychedelic/rock odyssey charted in 45s

This Month In Americana

Beguiling collection of sepia-tinged ephemera spanning 1993-2002 from LA songstress, sometime Creekdipper and full-time fairer half of Mark Olson

Erin McKeown – Distillation

Brilliant debut, released early 2003, from US roots singer

Shy FX & T-Power – Set It Off

Return of drum'n'bass, weirdly

The Sea And Cake – One Bedroom

Chicago indie jazzers' latest, featuring cover of Bowie's "Sound And Vision"

Looking At The Stars

Prolific UK singer-songwriter dazzles on fifth LP

David Thomas – Monster

Box set of Pere Ubu frontman's five solo albums, plus bonus live material with Two Pale Boys

Roy Wood – Wizzard

Everything worthwhile done in the '70s by the British Todd Rundgren

T. Rex

WAX CO SINGLES VOLUME 2 (1975-8) Rating Star BOTH EDSEL If you hit puberty back in the '70s, your first vaguely sexual experience was, perhaps, handing over your 50p to purchase the latest must-have T. Rex single, seven inches of raucous beauty bedecked in a blue-and-red paper sleeve. Someone's had the very fine idea of re-fashioning these period gems on individual CDs and collating them into two box sets, 11 on each.

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