
The Passion Of The Christ

DiRECTED BY Mel Gibson STARRING James Caviezel, Maia Morgenstern, Monica Bellucci Opened March 26, Cert 18, 126 mins If you enjoyed the finale of Braveheart, where Mel Gibson was hanged, drawn and quartered in lascivious close-up, then this is the movie for you. This time it's worse and lasts for two hours, as we're dragged through Christ's final hours of torture and crucifixion. Gibson apparently wanted to "just tell the truth" about the death of Christ, but Mel's the last guy you'd go to for authenticity (Braveheart? The Patriot? Hello?).

The Agronomist

Timely portrait of a Haitian human rights activist

Switchblade Romance

They do everything else with sickening panache, but the French have never got to grips with the slasher flick, which makes this back-to-basics horror as unexpected as it is violent. A sexy teen (Cécile De France) is invited to the family home of her best friend (Maïwenn Le Besco) out in the French equivalent of redneck country. She meets mum, dad and little brother, night falls, a rusty old van pulls up outside, a fat bloke gets out and starts graphically raping and killing everyone. No intellectual chit-chat here, then.

The Fog Of War

Stunning documentary/interview with former US Defence Secretary


Classic curveball detective thriller is re-released

Deserted Station

Understated yet absorbing drama from Iran

Bus 174

Astonishing documentary about hijacking in Brazil

Les Diables

Disturbing French incest-and-insanity shocker

Get Back

Charlie Kaufman takes it all the way in a memorable marvel

Femme Fatale

Graphically drawn portrait of a serial killer

Editor's Picks
