
Fred Frith

Re-releases of solo outings by prodigious ex-Henry Cow guitarist

The Style Council – The Sound Of The Style Council

Best-of to mark 20th anniversary of Weller's experimental post-Jam outfit


Dark secrets exposed in intense three-hander

Koyaanisqatsi – Powaqqatsi (Box Set)

Koyaanisqatsi is arguably the best stoner movie of all time, although Godfrey Reggio probably didn't realise that in '83. Aerial photography of forests, animals; etc, sweeps across to expansive time-lapse shots of factory complexes and nuclear power plants. The big country's poeticised and exposed to Philip Glass' insistent score. Powaqqatsi, the '88 sequel, explored Third World exploitation, but the original's the must-see.

A Fish Called Wanda—Special Edition

Fifteen years on, the only thing that's dated about John Cleese's romantic-comedy-cum-caper-movie is the fashions. Cleese honed the script for years, and it shows—plus the entire supporting cast are a treat, especially Michael Palin's stuttering animal rights assassin, Jamie Lee Curtis'sexy double-crosser and Kevin Kline's psychopathic fish-killer. Immensely likeable.

High Crimes

Someone seems to have decided that Ashley Judd and Morgan Freeman are a marketable team, and their umpteenth crime thriller together is brought to you by the estimable Carl Franklin. Judd's a perky lawyer whose husband (a wooden Jim Caviezel) may or may not be a mass murderer. Freeman's an amusing drunk, but sadly the plot's the last word in generic, and the 'twists' wear neon signs on their heads.

This Month In Americana

Unheralded Chicago-based tunesmith comes of age

The Kills – Keep On Your Mean Side

Fast-rising blues-rock duo release debut LP after tour with Primal Scream

The Halcyon Band – Sirocco

Northern rock alliance have Love on their minds

Tayo – Soul Of Man And Phantom Beats

Budget-priced samplers of clubland's hot new microscene

Editor's Picks
