
John Doe – Dim Stars, Bright Sky

Former X rocker swaps urban noise for pastoral reverie

Ramones – Loud, Fast

The hits that launched a thousand punks

A Mixed Experience

The Experience's English farewell at the Albert Hall, and Hendrix's at the Isle of Wight, plus an unreleased 1970 concert

Mad About The Boy

Never before collected under one (legal) roof, Beach Boy's non-band '60s classics

Moonlight Mile

Superbly acted drama gathers no moss

Waking Life

Richard Linklater takes the po-faced monologues of Slacker up a level with this extraordinary, state-of-the-art, animated dream trip. The endless navel-gazing and philosophising (Are we alive? Are we imagining everything? There's not gonna be a car chase in this, is there?) are undeniably wearing, but you have to admire the only sentient Texan's ambition and nerve. DVD EXTRAS: None. (CR)

I’m Going Home

A morbidly slow but ultimately touching vignette from France, starring the legendary Michel Piccolia an ageing actor whose wife and kids are killed in a car crash. He mopes around Paris, but is persuaded by an American director (John Malkovich) to take a movie part. He muffs his lines, ensuring no feel-good ending. It earns its melancholia. DVD EXTRAS: Interviews, trailers, production notes, filmographies Rating Star

Daddy & Them

Chronically misfiring comedy written and directed on an off day by Billy Bob Thornton, who also stars. He and Laura Dern are a bickering Arkansas couple, spending time with her eccentric white trash family. Little happens, but the casting of Ben Affleck and Jamie Lee Curtis as husband and wife has to be among the world's weirdest.

Dakota Suite – This River Only Brings Poison

Stunning new album from Britain's best-kept secret

Major Matt Mason – Honey, Are You Ready For The Ballet?

Kansas-born troubadour's second LP

Editor's Picks
