Shark Tale

De Niro and Scorsese get vocal in new animation

Duck Season

Whimsical Mexican comedy. With dope cakes

Look At Me (Comme/Une Image)

Fine French ensemble comedy

A Home At The End Of The World

Bizarre love triangle starring Colin Farrell

I Heart Huckabees

Extraordinary existential investigations yield mixed-up results

Enduring Love

Intense take on lan McEwan's psych chiller

The Manchurian Candidate

Demme knowing, nerve-shredding take on iconic conspiracy thriller pulls off the improbable

Last Night Of The Promos

Scintillating songs let down by clumsy visuals

Placebo – Once More With Feeling: Singles 1996-2004

Bowie-obsessed Brian Molko and co put plenty of low-rent sex and sleazy glam into videos such as "Nancy Boy" and "Bruise Pristine" while the Thin White Duke himself appears in "Without You I'm Nothing". But by the time Molko gets fed to the sharks in "You Don't Care About Us", his foetal whine has become so irritating you don't feel much sympathy. NIGEL WILLIAMSON

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