
Debut from raw Lincoln leather lads, seemingly in production since 1938

Family – BBC Radio Volume One: 1968-1969

How Leicester's favourite freaks became the darlings of the London underground

Various Artists – Rough Trade Shops Indiepop 1

Even before Belle & Sebastian and Franz Ferdinand cited jangling, DiY indie as a touchstone, it had influenced Kurt Cobain (who covered The Vaselines' "Molly's Lips", featured here), the Manics and Saint Etienne. Essentially, indie-pop continued where Postcard records (Orange Juice, Josef K et al) left off a few years earlier (though minus the soul influences).

Various Artists – Por Vida: A Tribute To The Songs Of Alejandro Escovedo

Star-crossed line-up shines on underrated singer's catalogue

High Elf Esteem

From cross-legged cult to major pop star in three years. The first five albums, plus outtakes and alternate versions

Hollywood Rose – The Roots Of Guns N’Roses

Unremarkable dregs from the 1980s metal vaults

The Ramones

Final four studio albums from da Brudders, with bonus tracks

Wild River

Every film buff knows Elia Kazan's On The Waterfront and East Of Eden, but his two greatest films are terribly overlooked. In the case of America, America (1963), it's probably because he didn't cast a star. In the case of Wild River (1960), it's almost inexplicable. Montgomery Clift is a government official trying to persuade an old woman she must leave her home before it's flooded. Complex, tender, rich and true, this is a masterpiece, lost and found.

Shaun Of The Dead

Suburban horror comedy from the creators of warped sitcom Spaced. When a mysterious plague strikes London, Shaun (Simon Pegg) has to battle hordes of blood-crazed zombies to rescue his mum and girlfriend. The zombie sequences pastiche the genre, adding genuinely witty slapstick, and the script is as good as Spaced or better. A delight.

Melanie – Paled By Dimmer Light

Self-styled Chauncey Gardiner of cute implies a lot but says little

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