The second of George Romero's classic zombie trilogy, from 1978. This time the blood and guts were in full colour, the make-up and effects more inventive. Much of the action takes place in a shopping mall filled with zombies lurching mindlessly around?not the subtlest of satires on consumerism, but still highly effective, and as slyly funny as it is gory.
Costner's multi-Oscar winner recalls Ford and Lean in its epic sweep, as well as revisionist westerns like Run Of The Arrow in its portrayal of Native Americans. Costner's weary Civil War veteran is appointed commander of a remote army outpost, where he finds kinship with the Lakota Sioux. Rich characterisations are balanced by awesome widescreen backdrops.
Rising Japanese horror star Takashi Shimizu's original...Grudge, pre-Sarah Michelle Gellar redux is a wealth of eerie detail, carefully composed shocks, cadaverous children, vengeful spirits and classic"she's behind you!"moments all crammed into a fairly hoary'haunted house'narrative. Still, the shower scene, complete with wandering ghostly hand, is hard to top.
"We have a truck on fire ... we can't stop the dancing chicken..."In Werner Herzog's steady but bleak 1977 gaze at American badlands, Bruno S plays a Berlin street musician who goes in search of a better life in the US with hooker girlfriend (Eva Mattes) and mad old friend (Clemens Scheitz), but finds only the despairingly drab dead-end of rural Wisconsin. The movie lan Curtis watched the night he died.
Engrossing, gritty, Shane Meadows-style debut from Chris Cooke, wherein three boozehounds on a rehab course scheme to scam portly tycoon Hywel Bennett. The lo-fi camerawork's iffy, but after starting slowly it tightens like a vice as cocktails, weed and violence kick in. Well written and acted, and surely the only film to argue that Jean-Michel Jarre's comeback gig was better than Glastonbury.
There's little original Dylan footage and no music in this unofficial bio co-produced by the fanzine Isis. But what we do get is a series of fascinating new interviews—with old school friends and teachers in Hibbing who describe a loner who gave little hint of the extraordinary gifts he was later to develop, early colleagues who played with him in Greenwich Village and leading Dylanologists such as Clinton Heylin and CP Lee.
Subtitled "Four Destinations, Four DVDs", this Reg-fest takes in live shows from Madison Square Garden (2000), the Great Amphitheatre at Ephesus, Turkey (2001) and London's Royal Opera House (2002), respectively accompanied by full band, candlelight and orchestra. But it's Disc 4 (promos and clips spanning '68 to present) that wins out, not least for 1972's great "Mona Lisas And Mad Hatters". At seven hours, though, this one's strictly for insomniac diehards.