Arctic Monkeys, Best Coast, Gaslight Anthem to play Metallica’s Orion festival

Metallica have announced that they will be putting on their own festival this summer and that Arctic Monkeys, The Gaslight Anthem and Best Coast are among the bands who they've booked to play the event.

Hear Jack White’s new solo track ‘Machine Gun Silhouette’

You can hear 'Machine Gun Silhouette', the B-side to Jack White's debut solo single 'Love Interruption', by scrolling down to the bottom of the page and clicking.

The Sixth Uncut Playlist Of 2012

Trying hard to disregard the fact that one record here has possibly irritated me more than anything I’ve played for a while, another nice list this week. Second Jack White track out is another keeper, and the Ililta! 12, especially, is really growing on me.

The Ballad Of Kurt Vile And Some More Great New Music

A little over a month into 2012 and great new albums seem to be a-popping up all over the shop, something arriving in the post every day almost that either thrills or beguiles, demanding our attention and more often than not handsomely rewarding it. Leonard Cohen’s Old Ideas was rightly applauded in last month's Uncut, and in the current issue similar praise is lavished on Lambchop’s Mr M, which reminds us why we have loved them for so long and also what it was in the first place that got us so excited about Kurt Wagner’s Nashville country-soul collective.

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