
An Audience With Andrew Weatherall

By way of tribute to Andrew Weatherall, whose death was confirmed earlier today, I thought I’d post my interview with him for our Audience...

Introducing the new Uncut: Robert Plant, Malkmus, Iggy, Elton and more

Thanks, first of all, for the overwhelmingly positive response to Sounds Of The New West Volume 5 last month. We’re all acutely aware of...

The 2nd Uncut New Music Playlist Of 2020

Now we're getting deeper into January, things are hotting up for new releases. Very pleased to have Margo Price and Arboretum back. We've been...

Introducing the new Uncut: Kate Bush, Peter Green, Sounds Of The New West Vol 5 and more

Among several profitable distractions during the festive break, I enjoyed following a Twitter thread about old Uncut CDs. Among praise for 2002's Keith Richards-curated...

Weyes Blood: “Bob Seger meets Enya!”

As you'll hopefully have gathered by now, Weyes Blood's Titanic Rising is Uncut's Best Album Of 2019. Here's a Q&A I did with Natalie Mering...

Editor's Picks
