15 years ago, we got our first glimpse of The War On Drugs at a Club Uncut night at The Borderline (RIP). Despite being late additions to the bill after the cancellation of a tour had left them stranded in London, they blew us away with a “frantic 30 minutes or so, packed from floor to ceiling with moments of startling rapture and abandoned mayhem.”

And now look at them: arena-fillers at home and abroad, their upcoming European tour takes in such grand locations as Halifax’s Piece Hall, Dublin’s Trinity College and The Eden Project. You can view the full list of The War On The Drugs’ summer dates here.


Bur before bandleader Adam Granduciel buttons up his plaid shirt, straps on his trusty Fender Jazzmaster and prepares to whip up a storm, he’s consented to a gentle grilling from you, the Uncut readers. So what do you want to ask a modest, modern-day rock hero? Send us your questions to audiencewith@www.uncut.co.uk and Adam will answer the best ones in a future issue of Uncut.