Suddenly, Brian Jones, golden boy of the 1960s and founder member of The Rolling Stones, is back in the news. There are rumours that his death is to be reinvestigated. And there is a film about his life due to hit the screens this summer. Taking the working title of The Wild and Wycked World of Brian Jones, it’s directed by Stephen Woolley and produced by Finola Dwyer. In this special feature, we speak to the actors and key figures behind this historic rock movie

Cast of characters


Leo Gregory (Brian Jones)

Paddy Considine (Frank Thorogood – Brian’s builder-in-residence)

David Morrissey (Tom Keylock – Stones road manager, Brian’s “supervisor” and an old friend of Thorogood)


Monet Mazur (Anita Pallenberg)

Amelia Warner (Janet Lawson – said to be Keylock’s mistress)

Tuva Novotny (Anna Wohlin, Brian’s live-in girlfriend at the time he died)

Lucas De Woolson (Mick Jagger)

Ben Whishaw (Keith Richards)

Click on the cast or crew member’s name to read their Q&A.