“I thought my life was over when True Detective ended”

Mark Kozelek’s life beyond music. Involves a lot of boxing…


“Girlfriend, long walks, bed, baths, HBO, food: that’s my life outside of music. I thought my life was over when True Detective ended. I Iike Jim Lampley’s The Fight Game, and there is a great short documentary I just saw on referee Kenny Bayless. The TV series right now are all reruns, but the boxing stays fairly current. The six-part documentary on [boxing trainer] Freddie Roach was so hypnotic and I still watch that one from time to time. I love when a documentary shows someone at work, rather than showing the person talking about their work.

“But yeah, mostly it’s boxing. It’s funny – my dad and I used to go to his friend Billy’s house and all that guy watched was wrestling and boxing – period. I used to think, ‘Man, what does this guy do besides watch boxing?” and here I am, just like Billy, watching boxing all the fucking time.”

