'New York Doll' is the poignant and extraordinary story of Arthur "Killer" Kane - the one time statuesque bassist of 70s gender-bending glam rock pioneers, The New York Dolls. Director Greg Whiteley follows Arthur's journey from mild-mannered church librarian to a demon-battling glam rocker with one of the decade's most successful bands, a conversion to Mormonism to a life-changing reunion with the remaining members of the band at Morrissey's 2004 Meltdown Festival. Uncut.co.uk have got an exclusive clip from the film featuring Morrissey and the trailer to view via the links below. Clip: Real Media - med / hi Trailer: Windows Media - lo / hi Real Media - lo / hi
‘New York Doll’ is the poignant and extraordinary story of Arthur “Killer” Kane – the one time statuesque bassist of 70s gender-bending glam rock pioneers, The New York Dolls.
Director Greg Whiteley follows Arthur’s journey from mild-mannered church librarian to a demon-battling glam rocker with one of the decade’s most successful bands, a conversion to Mormonism to a life-changing reunion with the remaining members of the band at Morrissey’s 2004 Meltdown Festival.
Uncut.co.uk have got an exclusive clip from the film featuring Morrissey and the trailer to view via the links below.
Real Media – med /
Windows Media – lo /
Real Media – lo /