With the next issue out of the way, we had a fairly constructive bash through a backlog of new releases today, hence not much here has figured on previous playlists. As usual, please let me know what you've been listening to: further to the Cave Singers tip I mentioned the other day, I've been quite taken with Health, who cropped up in one of your posts the other day. In the meantime. One especially conspicuous steaming turd amidst this lot, and I bet some of you can guess which one. . . 1. Hans-Joachim Roedelius & Tim Story - Inlandish (Gronland) 2. Various Artists - Inspirational Anthems Volume 3 (Tompkins Square) 3. Joe Lean & The Jing Jang Jong - Lonely Buoy (Mercury) 4. The Futureheads - The Beginning Of The Twist (Nul) 5. The Mae Shi - HLLLYH (Moshi Moshi) 6. Marian Segal With Silver Jade - Fly On Strangewings (DJM) 7. White Hinterland - Phylactery Factory (Dead Oceans) 8. Jarvis Cocker - A radio documentary about fanzines (Radio 4 Listen Again) 9. Kelley Polar - I Need You To Hold On While The Sky Is Falling (Environ) 10. Ulaan Khol - I (Soft Abuse) 11. Band Of Horses - Cease To Begin (Sub Pop) 12. Gowns - Red State (Upset The Rhythm) 13. The Ruby Suns - Sea Lion ( Memphis Industries)
With the next issue out of the way, we had a fairly constructive bash through a backlog of new releases today, hence not much here has figured on previous playlists. As usual, please let me know what you’ve been listening to: further to the Cave Singers tip I mentioned the other day, I’ve been quite taken with Health, who cropped up in one of your posts the other day.
In the meantime. One especially conspicuous steaming turd amidst this lot, and I bet some of you can guess which one. . .
1. Hans-Joachim Roedelius & Tim Story – Inlandish (Gronland)
2. Various Artists – Inspirational Anthems Volume 3 (Tompkins Square)
3. Joe Lean & The Jing Jang Jong – Lonely Buoy (Mercury)
4. The Futureheads – The Beginning Of The Twist (Nul)
5. The Mae Shi – HLLLYH (Moshi Moshi)
6. Marian Segal With Silver Jade – Fly On Strangewings (DJM)
7. White Hinterland – Phylactery Factory (Dead Oceans)
8. Jarvis Cocker – A radio documentary about fanzines (Radio 4 Listen Again)
9. Kelley Polar – I Need You To Hold On While The Sky Is Falling (Environ)
10. Ulaan Khol – I (Soft Abuse)
11. Band Of Horses – Cease To Begin (Sub Pop)
12. Gowns – Red State (Upset The Rhythm)
13. The Ruby Suns – Sea Lion ( Memphis Industries)