OK I've just packed the stereo into a crate, so it's a bit hard to write a proper blog today. Uncut is moving to our palatial new home this afternoon, and I'll hopefully get back to proper blogging action next week. I'll definitely be filing something on the terrific Justice album, in spite of parts of it reminding me of Ray Parker Jr. I'll also get my thoughts together on the long-awaited Jason Isbell solo album, and that great compilation of Finnish psych, if I can find it. Plus there'll hopefully be live reviews of Wilco and Ghost coming up, and maybe Brightblack Morning Light if I can make the show. See you there, maybe?
OK I’ve just packed the stereo into a crate, so it’s a bit hard to write a proper blog today. Uncut is moving to our palatial new home this afternoon, and I’ll hopefully get back to proper blogging action next week.
I’ll definitely be filing something on the terrific Justice album, in spite of parts of it reminding me of Ray Parker Jr. I’ll also get my thoughts together on the long-awaited Jason Isbell solo album, and that great compilation of Finnish psych, if I can find it. Plus there’ll hopefully be live reviews of Wilco and Ghost coming up, and maybe Brightblack Morning Light if I can make the show. See you there, maybe?