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One of the highlights of this weekend’s Uncut Tipi Tent is almost certainly William Tyler‘s performance on Sunday afternoon. It’s hot and dry in Dorset, and Tyler’s dusty, crystalline solo guitar pieces are the perfect counterparts.

The former Lambchop and Silver Jews musician plays to a surprisingly packed, and rapt, tent, mostly performing tracks from his second album, this year’s Impossible Truth.

Live, the likes of “Cadillac Desert” – which Tyler dedicates to Marfa, Texas, a remote town of artists and musicians that gave him “the most psychedelic experience ever…without help” – are more luminously alive than on record, and with their chorus and echo effects, even more reminiscent of The Durutti Column’s Vini Reilly.

Tyler closes his 40-minute set with the reverby “Country Of Illusion” – he explains it was inspired by the end of the world, but admits that he’d like to put a more positive ‘new beginning’ slant on it in honour of End Of The Road’s positive vibes.

Tom Pinnock

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