
Peggy Lee – The Complete Capitol Small Group Transcriptions

Three-CD discovery from original Queen of Cool

Eddie & Ernie – Lost Friends

First CD compilation of duo known as "the acme of deep soul"

Marshall Arts

LA Confidential director brings the best out of rap king


Thomas Vinterberg christened the Dogme genre with immense style in this 1998 Danish classic with edgy docu-drama camerawork and grainy digital video helping to supercharge a time-honoured narrative progression from cosy family gathering to shock revelation. Partly inspired by a real-life radio phone-in confession, Vinterberg's jet-black farce moves from incest, suicide and racism to cathartic redemption. DVD EXTRAS: Trailer, Dogme certificate, interview/picture booklet. Rating Star


Set in grunge-era Seattle, Cameron Crowe's quick-off-the-mark 1992 romantic ensemble comedy managed to corral members of Pearl Jam into the mix alongside Bridget Fonda, Matt Dillon, Kyra Sedgwick and Campbell Scott. Crowe falls short of his masterful memoir Almost Famous, partly as Scott and Sedgwick are too stiff for the central rock'n'romance plot, but this is still a charming historical snapshot.

Cuban Heals

One of the greatest living exponents of American roots music teams up with leading Cuban rock guitarist for 12 examples of virtuoso twanging

The Aluminum Group – Happyness

Fifth album of brainy chamber pop from Chicago-based brothers

Arbol – S

Atmospheric debut featuring past and present members of Piano Magic

Jennifer Terran – The Musician

Concept album from uncompromising American singer about killing the corporate beast

Palace In Wonderland

It's over a decade since former actor Will Oldham took his first faltering steps in a forgotten backwater of American music. When Oldham began recording with his brother Paul in 1992 he was recovering from a nervous breakdown, staking out an area that provided a refuge for his skewed, haunted but unusually perceptive sensibility.

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