
Led Zeppelin return – our first review!

I’ve just got home from the Dome and the Led Zeppelin gig, so hopefully you’ll forgive me for the fact that my thoughts aren’t quite as neatly organised as usual. First off, I have to point out that, at the risk of sounding smug, they were fucking great.

It’s showtime! The Ahmet Erteun Tribute Concert is go!

After months of eager anticipation - we're finally here and the show has begun! The next few hours are going to be full of musical surprises from the great and the good, we don't have a running order, so bear with as we find out together as the night goes on...

Led Zeppelin Reunion – One hour to go, the O2 Arena is filling up

The 02 Arena is bustling with the energy of rock - fans are still queuing to pick up tickets and at the entrance to the Arena. Others are bustling around the bars and cafes throughout the O2 complex as the artists and special guests are beginning to arrive on the red carpet...

Led Zeppelin imminently, plus the great Kelley Stoltz

Mildly deranged vibes here today, as I prepare my body and soul for the Led Zeppelin gig tonight. I'll be posting a review of the show on this blog when I manage to get home from Greenwich, but you can follow the action throughout the evening as Farah Ishaq will be reporting non-stop from Greenwich on our Live Reviews blog.

Led Zeppelin! They are coming!

Tonight's tribute concert to Ahmet Ertegun, starring a reunited band you might have heard of, Led Zeppelin, is just a few hours away now. Page, Plant, JPJ and Jason Bonham are playing their first two-hour long set in 27 years from 9pm at the 02 Arena and Uncut.co.uk will be reporting from inside the concert!

When Nicole Kidman acts

You may have noticed that the big movie for this Christmas period is The Golden Compass, a $90 million adaptation of the first volume of Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials trilogy. It's got talking bears, witches on broomsticks and Nicole Kidman, as the film's villain, Mrs Coulter. It's the best performance in a film that has many surprisingly smart casting choices (Tom Courtenay, Daniel Craig, Jim Carter, Derek Jacobi), despite its rather hamfisted handling of the source material.

A playlist, plus forthcoming attractions

Not much time to post today, so here's an office playlist for your delectation. Thanks to everyone who posted their playlists last week - we can definitely do that again here if you're in the mood. I should also mention a few things I'll try and blog about before Christmas, if only in a fairly unsavoury attempt to book some return visits from you over the next couple of weeks.

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