Ahead of the release of his new album early next year, Joe Cocker is set to answer your questions in Uncut as part of our regular Audience With… feature. So is there anything you’ve always wanted to ask him? How did he come to record with Jimmy Page? What are his memories of playing Woodstock? What was it like recording the Mad Dogs And Englishmen album? Send up your questions by noon, Monday, November 26 to uncutaudiencewith@ipcmedia.com. The best questions, and Joe's answers, will be published in a future edition of Uncut magazine. Please include your name and location with your question.
Ahead of the release of his new album early next year, Joe Cocker is set to answer your questions in Uncut as part of our regular Audience With… feature.
So is there anything you’ve always wanted to ask him?
How did he come to record with Jimmy Page?
What are his memories of playing Woodstock?
What was it like recording the Mad Dogs And Englishmen album?
Send up your questions by noon, Monday, November 26 to uncutaudiencewith@ipcmedia.com. The best questions, and Joe’s answers, will be published in a future edition of Uncut magazine. Please include your name and location with your question.