He’s worked with Brian Wilson, Joanna Newsom and The Byrds. With such impeccable credentials, you wonder what else life has to offer to a multi-talented composer, arranger, producer and singer like Van Dyke Parks. Well, now Van Dyke is set to answer your questions in Uncut as part of our regular Audience With… feature.

So is there anything you’ve always wanted to ask him?


Why did he really turn down an invitation to join The Byrds?

How did he earn the nickname “Pinocchio” from Frank Zappa?

His first paid gig was arranging “The Bare Necessities” for The Jungle Book soundtrack. How on earth did that come about?


Send up your questions by noon, Monday, November 5 to uncutaudiencewith@ipcmedia.com. The best questions, and Van Dyke’s answers, will be published in a future edition of Uncut magazine. Please include your name and location with your question.