Brian Wilson has said that he doubts there will be another reunion of The Beach Boys.

Wilson was speaking on Sunday (February 10) at the Grammy Awards in Los Angeles. When asked about the possibility of a reunion – following last year’s 50th anniversary tour dates and the release of a brand new album ‘That’s Why God Made The Radio’ – Wilson told the press room: “No, I don’t think so. Doubt it.”


Last year Mike Love fell out with the remaining band members. In October, Love defended his plans to continue touring under the Beach Boys name without the other members of the group in an open letter published by the LA Times.

Love wrote: “I did not fire Brian Wilson from the Beach Boys. I cannot fire Brian Wilson from the Beach Boys. I am not his employer. I do not have such authority. And even if I did, I would never fire Brian Wilson from the Beach Boys. I love Brian Wilson.”

Wilson then responded with a letter in the same publication, writing: “by Mike not wanting or letting Al, David and me tour with the band, it sort of feels like we’re being fired.”


He added: “While I appreciate the nice cool things Mike said about me in his letter, and I do and always will love him as my cousin and bandmate, at the same time I’m still left wondering why he doesn’t want to continue this great trip we’re on. Al and I want to keep going because we believe we owe it to the music.”

The deluxe box set of ‘The Smile Sessions’ recently won the Grammy Award for Best Historical Album. Wilson called the win “a great honour.”