Bright Eyes are set to play a one-off show accompanied by the Los Angeles Philharmonic this weekend (September 29).

The show, to be held at the Hollywood Bowl, will apparently feature reworked versions of songs from Bright Eyes‘ entire career, in contrast to the group’s recent shows, which have featured tracks mainly drawn from their recent albums “Cassadaga” and “I’m Wide Awake It’s Morning”.


Band member Nate Walcott worked out the arrangements for the orchestra, which comprises 40 string, 11 brass and 12 woodwind players. The arrangements reportedly took eight months to complete, according to Billboard.

“In some cases I would take existing melodies or parts, and score them for a full orchestra,” Walcott explained. “In other cases, I composed whole new elements – melodies, harmonies, whatever.”

Bright Eyes have no plans as yet to repeat the show anywhere else in the US or UK.