“Evil Dead-The Musical” a show based on Sam Raimi’s 80’s cult horror movies Evil Dead and Evil Dead II opened last night off-Broadway, New York. Based on the scripts from the 3 movies - Evil Dead, Evil Dead II and the third affilliated film Army of Darkness- the rock musical is full of blood, gore and clever musical numbers. Original songs scored for the new musical include "What the Fuck Was That", "Look Who's Evil Now" and "All The Men In My Life Keep Getting Killed By Candarian Demons". The original horror movie pastiche hero ‘Ash’ will be played by a Bruce Campbell look-alike Ryan Ward. Directors of the musical Hinton Battle and Christopher Bond have got the backing of all original Evil Dead writers, producers and directors, including Sam Raimi. Bruce Campbell – the original Evil Dead-tamer actor from the 80's films will be holding a sold-out Q&A session after tonight’s performance. “Evil Dead – The Musical” is scheduled to run its camp gorefest until the end of the year. Plans to tour the musical to other major cities has been touted but have not been finalized as yet. For more information and to play in the interactive Evil Dead ‘cabin - Click here to go to the show’s website
“Evil Dead-The Musical” a show based on Sam Raimi’s 80’s cult horror movies Evil Dead and Evil Dead II opened last night off-Broadway, New York.
Based on the scripts from the 3 movies – Evil Dead, Evil Dead II and the third affilliated film Army of Darkness- the rock musical is full of blood, gore and clever musical numbers.
Original songs scored for the new musical include “What the Fuck Was That”, “Look Who’s Evil Now” and “All The Men In My Life Keep Getting Killed By Candarian Demons”.
The original horror movie pastiche hero ‘Ash’ will be played by a Bruce Campbell look-alike Ryan Ward.
Directors of the musical Hinton Battle and Christopher Bond have got the backing of all original Evil Dead writers, producers and directors, including Sam Raimi.
Bruce Campbell – the original Evil Dead-tamer actor from the 80’s films will be holding a sold-out Q&A session after tonight’s performance.
“Evil Dead – The Musical” is scheduled to run its camp gorefest until the end of the year.
Plans to tour the musical to other major cities has been touted but have not been finalized as yet.