Win! The acclaimed Grant Gee directed Joy Division documentary is being released by Universal Pictures on DVD on August 25 after a successful theatrical run in May, and has five copies to giveaway! The documentary hailed by Peter Hook as "the perfect answer to [Anton Corbijn's] 'Control'" examines Joy Division's history through new archive live performance footage, personal photos and newly discovered audio tapes. The Gee doc also features interviews with late-Factory label boss Tony Wilson, band members and Annik Honore; the journalist Ian Curtis had an affair with. To be in with a chance of winning one of five copies of 'Joy Division' click here! This competition closes on Friday September 5. Pic credit: Retna For more competitions, keep checking back to's special features here
The acclaimed Grant Gee directed Joy Division documentary is being released by Universal Pictures on DVD on August 25 after a successful theatrical run in May, and has five copies to giveaway!
The documentary hailed by Peter Hook as “the perfect answer to [Anton Corbijn’s] ‘Control'” examines Joy Division’s history through new archive live performance footage, personal photos and newly discovered audio tapes.
The Gee doc also features interviews with late-Factory label boss Tony Wilson, band members and Annik Honore; the journalist Ian Curtis had an affair with.
To be in with a chance of winning one of five copies of ‘Joy Division’ click here!
This competition closes on Friday September 5.
Pic credit: Retna
For more competitions, keep checking back to’s special features here