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Callahan bill

Wild Mercury Sound 100 from 2011: 25 to 1

And after 100 to 76, 75 to 51 and 50 to 26, here's my rough top 25. Thanks for indulging me.

Uncut Music Award 2011: Josh T Pearson, “Last Of The Country Gentlemen”

Today, the Uncut Music Award judges ruminate on the power of Josh T Pearson's debut solo album, "Last Of The Country Gentlemen".

Uncut Music Award 2011: Bon Iver, “Bon Iver”

The latest transcript from the judges' meeting, as our panel get to grips with the second Bon Iver album.

Uncut Music Award 2011: Fleet Foxes, “Helplessness Blues”

In today's transcript, the judges debate the second album by former Uncut Music Award winners, Fleet Foxes.

PJ Harvey wins the Uncut Music Award 2011

Uncut is pleased to announce that PJ Harvey has been chosen as the fourth winner of the Uncut Music Award, for “Let England Shake”.

The Uncut Music Award 2011 Shortlist

Just kicking off the Uncut Music Award 2011 blog with a reminder of our shortlist this year, as the day when our judges reveal the winner gets closer.

The Best Of 2011 Thus Far – Your Top 20

Many thanks to all of you who stopped by and registered your votes for this Albums Of 2011 Thus Far poll. I've finally done the requisite dark mathematics and come up with this Top 20. A big gap between the top three and the rest of the field and, perhaps, an unexpected winner…

The Best Of 2011: Halftime Report

Given we’re coming up to the end of June, I figured it should be time for this annual bit of anal-retentive album-crunching. A lot of fine records here , though not necessarily the 30 I might have envisaged at the start of 2011; as I’ve alluded to before, I feel like there have been a lot of eagerly-anticipated letdowns this year.

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