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The 14th Uncut Playlist Of 2011

An extra-long list this week, since we seem to have worked our way through more stuff than usual. A lot of good stuff, too, I’d say, with one or two exceptions, and a tremendous new mystery record that’s coming out in the summer and which hasn’t, I think, been announced as yet – hence the necessary evasiveness.

The Wild Mercury Sound 100 Of 2010

Last blog of the year, I suspect, so I thought it’d be useful to post my whole hundred in one place: apologies for the half-arsed obligation to get extra traffic which compelled me to post it in chunks, at least initially.

The 2010 Top 100: Part Three

Previously: 100-76, 75-51.

The Best Of 2010: Halftime Report

A bit of anal-retentive listmaking today: my favourite 30 albums of the year so far (though I imagine I’ve forgotten one or two, and there’ll be a bunch more good ones that I haven’t heard as yet).

Jack Rose With D Charles Speer & The Helix: “Ragged And Right”

Something slightly uncomfortable about wondering how much music remains unreleased in the Jack Rose archives, following his passing at the end of last year. It’s scant consolation for his loved ones, I’m sure, that the rest of us are keen on getting unheard music from him for a while longer.

The 11th Uncut Playlist Of 2010

Apologies for the spotty service here recently: deadlines, deaths and a mildly debilitating virus have meant there hasn’t been much time to look after the blog in the past week or so.

The Seventh Uncut Playlist Of 2010

Great start this morning, as I’ve just cracked open the new Prins Thomas album, which seems to carry on right where Lindström & Thomas’ “II” left off. In other goodish news, this long-running dickaround will finally be resolved in the next couple of days. I imagine you’ve all guessed what it is now?

The Sixth Uncut Playlist Of 2010

Exciting news this week, with the auspicious arrival of three CDs of new music from a big favourite round these parts. Anyone care to hazard a guess who it might be?

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