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Barack Obama seeks Arcade Fire, Vampire Weekend to help with re-election campaign

US President Barack Obama is apparently seeking support from a host of music names for his re-election campaign, including Arcade Fire, Vampire Weekend and Jay-Z.

Vampire Weekend: “Contra”

There’s a very interesting feature on Vampire Weekend in last week’s New Yorker, which includes a brilliantly ridiculous encounter while the band are on tour in California. With a documentary crew in tow, Vampire Weekend set about interviewing a bunch of allegedly notable Californian musicians, and fetch up at the operations centre of Blink 182’s Tom De Longe.

Vampire Weekend: “Horchata”

Just in case you haven’t come across it yet, the first song to surface from Vampire Weekend’s forthcoming “Contra” album (due early January, I believe) turned up on their website yesterday.

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