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Akt 3

Trailer — Where The Wild Things Are

Still somewhat giddy with yesterday's technological breakthroughs in terms of embedding videos and joining the Twittering masses (you'd think we were devising groundbreaking new techniques for nanosurgery here, rather than blogging), I thought I'd take the opportunity to post the trailer for one of the most anticipated movies in our world.

Fever Ray: “Fever Ray”

A couple of weeks ago, I posted this blog which, in a slightly bewildered-old-man way, wondered why a raft of electropop types like La Roux and Little Boots were being tipped so enthusiastically for success in 2009.

More on “I’m Not There” and Neil Young’s “Chrome Dreams II” plus Battles

Fairly curious listening day in the Uncut office, even by our standards, I think, which reached a pinnacle of sorts with a new Dead Kennedys 'Best Of' (how poppy they sound now) rubbing up next to a Martin Carthy & Dave Swarbrick reissue from 1966, I think.

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