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Sam Lee: “Ground Of Its Own”

I first came across the English folk singer Sam Lee just over a year ago, when I wrote about a tribute album to Peter Bellamy. Alongside more familiar names like The Unthanks and Trembling Bells, it was Lee’s version of “Puck’s Song” that stood out, as he cut a fine path through an artful mix of old folk recordings and incantatory drones.

Empire Of Dirt – Inside Levon Helm’s Midnight Ramble

In tribute to the late Band legend, who died in April 2012, this week’s archive feature is a fascinating piece from October 2009’s Uncut (Take 149) – Barney Hoskyns travels to Levon Helm’s Woodstock barn for one of his Midnight Rambles, a musical hogroast-cum-celebration of the drummer’s life and legacy. “To me,” says Helm, “it’s just rock’n’roll…” ________________________________

Damon Albarn on “Dr Dee” and his next solo album…

For the current issue of Uncut, I interviewed Damon Albarn as part of my piece on his “Dr Dee” project (you can read it here). There wasn’t room for all of his answers in the mag, but today’s announcement of extra Blur dates prompted me to post the whole thing here.

‘Angels & Airwaves’ newest single “Surrender” was released on 16th April, 2012.

The track, taken from their latest album “LOVE Part One & Two”, is conquering radio stations worldwide with its ear-catching sound. Fans of the band are now eagerly awaiting the music video for the single which is currently being shot by the band. Their “LOVE Part One & Two” lead single Anxiety was accompanied by a high-tech music video that was shot at a Sky Church venue at Seattle’s Experience Music Project Museum. The state-of-the-art complex boasts a 48,000 Watt sound system and the world’s largest indoor video screen. So this music video comes much anticipated.

Richard Hawley – Standing At Sky’s Edge

As long as you’ve been briefed on Yorkshire local history, you know where you are with Richard Hawley. His 2009 album Truleove’s Gutter took its name from the site of an 18th century tavern whose effluent spilled into the River Don. His 2005 Coles Corner memorialized a junction outside a Sheffield Department store that was a rendez-vous for 1950s couples.

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