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Directed by Steve McQueen Starring Michael Fassbender, Carey Mulligan When the Manhattan branch of the Standard Hotel opened for business in summer 2009, it instantly became the hot topic of conversation among New Yorkers. Not as you might think for its stunning views across the Hudson river – but because people were flocking to the park below to watch guests having sex in front of the hotel’s floor to ceiling windows.

Tom Waits – Edinburgh Playhouse, July 27, 2008

Welcome to Waitsville. A place where bad jokes are good, Vaudeville never died, and the talk is of smoking monkeys, weasels and the mating habits of the preying mantis.

Latitude Festival: Yet More Additions!

The cultural extravaganza that is Latitude revealed another barrowload of new additions today. The excellent comedian Mark Steel will be delivering a "lecture" in the Literary Arena, while over in the Comedy Arena, the festival will be illuminated by performances from The Fast Show's Simon Day, Scott Capurro, Hans Teeuwen and Milton Jones.

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