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Fucked up

Wild Mercury Sound 100 from 2011: 100 to 76

Here's the first quarter of my very subjective favourites list of 2011. The ordering is pretty arbitrary, to be honest, but I guess it's all part of the game.

The Best Of 2011 Thus Far – Your Top 20

Many thanks to all of you who stopped by and registered your votes for this Albums Of 2011 Thus Far poll. I've finally done the requisite dark mathematics and come up with this Top 20. A big gap between the top three and the rest of the field and, perhaps, an unexpected winner…

The 37th Uncut Playlist Of 2010

Take a look at this, which has been the best thing I’ve heard this week by a mile, and the clip’s superb, too.

Grinderman: “Grinderman 2”

The arrival yesterday of a remix of “Heathen Child”, with added Robert Fripp, reminded me that I’d somehow neglected to write anything about “Grinderman 2”, even with Nick Cave on the cover of the current Uncut.

Editor's Picks
