Air's soundtrack to Sofia Coppola's The Virgin Suicides may have missed the movie's humour in favour of the obvious melancholia, but the resulting score provided added resonance to even the most lightweight scene. Here, Air attempt to do the same for leading Italian author Alessandro Baricco, by soundtracking a reading of his western novels. The result is exactly what it says on the label. An Italian bloke talking over Air's trademark Beck meets Bowie prog-lite. Roughly translated, that means three stories, divided into 19 tracks which are, at best, beautifully hypnotic, or, at worst, dull.
Air’s soundtrack to Sofia Coppola’s The Virgin Suicides may have missed the movie’s humour in favour of the obvious melancholia, but the resulting score provided added resonance to even the most lightweight scene. Here, Air attempt to do the same for leading Italian author Alessandro Baricco, by soundtracking a reading of his western novels. The result is exactly what it says on the label. An Italian bloke talking over Air’s trademark Beck meets Bowie prog-lite. Roughly translated, that means three stories, divided into 19 tracks which are, at best, beautifully hypnotic, or, at worst, dull.