For every band that's copying The Libertines, there are plenty more still lurking in Coldplay's shadow. Take Alaska. While undoubtedly bleaker and darker than Chris Martin and co, their slow-burning gloom fits loosely within the vogue for epic emotionalism (see Elbow, Doves et al). When this is as affecting as it is on "All The Dead Astronauts", this is hardly a problem. They also have a surprising range?narcotic drone-rock, crepuscular slowcore and creepy interludes figure among the rolling anthems.
For every band that’s copying The Libertines, there are plenty more still lurking in Coldplay’s shadow. Take Alaska. While undoubtedly bleaker and darker than Chris Martin and co, their slow-burning gloom fits loosely within the vogue for epic emotionalism (see Elbow, Doves et al). When this is as affecting as it is on “All The Dead Astronauts”, this is hardly a problem. They also have a surprising range?narcotic drone-rock, crepuscular slowcore and creepy interludes figure among the rolling anthems.