Corporate exploitation, US foreign policy, K-Mart, small-town rednecks, the NRA and Charlton Heston are all in the firing line as shaggy documentarian, and now best-selling author, Michael Moore tackles America's self-destructive gun culture. Mostly witty and irreverent, it's also sporadically profound?see the terrifying slow-mo security footage of the Columbine massacre and Chuck Heston's final broken and bewildered interview.
Corporate exploitation, US foreign policy, K-Mart, small-town rednecks, the NRA and Charlton Heston are all in the firing line as shaggy documentarian, and now best-selling author, Michael Moore tackles America’s self-destructive gun culture. Mostly witty and irreverent, it’s also sporadically profound?see the terrifying slow-mo security footage of the Columbine massacre and Chuck Heston’s final broken and bewildered interview.