Before embarking on his Fantastic Adventure with Gene Clark, The Dillards' founder member issued this statement of intent?a sweet fusion of traditional folk tunes, Ralph Stanley-flavoured bluegrass and white-boy US blues. All the ingredients are in place?Jim Dickson production, Bernie Leadon's guitar, John Hartford's fiddle and Gene (on harmonica) among the crew, all providing a taste of that new '60s baroque which lends this style its longevity and charm.
Before embarking on his Fantastic Adventure with Gene Clark, The Dillards’ founder member issued this statement of intent?a sweet fusion of traditional folk tunes, Ralph Stanley-flavoured bluegrass and white-boy US blues.
All the ingredients are in place?Jim Dickson production, Bernie Leadon’s guitar, John Hartford’s fiddle and Gene (on harmonica) among the crew, all providing a taste of that new ’60s baroque which lends this style its longevity and charm.