Hardcore Numanoids have kept Tory electro O.G. Gaz in business for two derided decades and, amazingly, as the times come round to him again, they were right. It's a shame the industrial metal end of his fan base dominates this remix of his career, instead of hip hop, which his early music gave vital clues to. But the serrated guitars the likes of Sulphur slap onto an artist whose doomy leanings were always going to make goth friends can't obscure Numan's voice, unexpectedly helpless and lovely throughout, or his sweet synths. Flood's masterly orchestral remodelling of "Cars", meanwhile, traps the original in a still more fearful sound world.
Hardcore Numanoids have kept Tory electro O.G. Gaz in business for two derided decades and, amazingly, as the times come round to him again, they were right. It’s a shame the industrial metal end of his fan base dominates this remix of his career, instead of hip hop, which his early music gave vital clues to. But the serrated guitars the likes of Sulphur slap onto an artist whose doomy leanings were always going to make goth friends can’t obscure Numan’s voice, unexpectedly helpless and lovely throughout, or his sweet synths. Flood’s masterly orchestral remodelling of “Cars”, meanwhile, traps the original in a still more fearful sound world.