It's easy to be cynical about a windy old narcissistic diva but less so to heckle one who's come back from a horrible brain disease: 18 months ago Minnelli was told she'd never walk or talk again. That she battled back to do these live shows at New York's Beacon Theater is the kind of courage that wins you a whole new audience, possibly even including some heterosexuals. On the other hand, if she's really unlucky, she might just get saddled with further Pet Shop Boys collaborations. This is the real juice, defiantly arms-akimbo glamorous?"Cabaret", "Over The Rainbow", "New York, New York"?and despite the control-freak hubby's gushing sleevenotes, it's the-show-must-go-on-tastic.
It’s easy to be cynical about a windy old narcissistic diva but less so to heckle one who’s come back from a horrible brain disease: 18 months ago Minnelli was told she’d never walk or talk again. That she battled back to do these live shows at New York’s Beacon Theater is the kind of courage that wins you a whole new audience, possibly even including some heterosexuals. On the other hand, if she’s really unlucky, she might just get saddled with further Pet Shop Boys collaborations. This is the real juice, defiantly arms-akimbo glamorous?”Cabaret”, “Over The Rainbow”, “New York, New York”?and despite the control-freak hubby’s gushing sleevenotes, it’s the-show-must-go-on-tastic.