Vincente Minnelli's heart-breaking, life-affirming 1944 musical. It's 1903, and as the World's Fair unfolds in their rosy little town, young Judy Garland's family face moving to the Big Apple. One of the great musicals; and as a movie about childhood, it's up there with The Night Of The Hunter and, as a lament for changing times, ranks alongside The Magnificent Ambersons and... The Wild Bunch. Kind of.
Vincente Minnelli’s heart-breaking, life-affirming 1944 musical. It’s 1903, and as the World’s Fair unfolds in their rosy little town, young Judy Garland’s family face moving to the Big Apple. One of the great musicals; and as a movie about childhood, it’s up there with The Night Of The Hunter and, as a lament for changing times, ranks alongside The Magnificent Ambersons and… The Wild Bunch. Kind of.