The nagging feeling that The Coral rushed the recording of their second album without having amassed a really meaty selection of songs isnโ€™t alleviated by the arrival of Nightfreakโ€ฆ, 11 songs rather bizarrely classed as a mini album (see also Erykah Baduโ€™s similarly disingenuous Worldwide Underground)?presumably by a label keen that this not be seen as an official follow-up. There are some diverting moments?most notably the sparse, languid funk of โ€œGrey Harpoonโ€?but generally the sense is still of a bunch of tasteful influences (The Doors, natch, Nuggets-ish psych/garage) and some well chosen chords failing to coalesce into something with real emotional weight. Nightfreakโ€ฆ is little more than a bunch of B-sides in search of a point.