Hailed in some quarters as heirs to The Verve and The Stones Roses with their self-titled 2002 debut, The Music were also widely dismissed as prog-rock revivalists. Happily the Yorkshire foursome's second album largely reins in their bloated fuzz-rock bombast for a more grounded, focused sound. They still worship Led Zeppelin, particularly on the huge and vaguely Eastern-sounding blunderbuss of a title track. But at least in the album's latter stages there are softly chiming melodies and everyday emotions that point towards a grand future as muscular soft-rock balladeers. Perennially uncool, perhaps, but still a passionate and energetic racket.
Hailed in some quarters as heirs to The Verve and The Stones Roses with their self-titled 2002 debut, The Music were also widely dismissed as prog-rock revivalists. Happily the Yorkshire foursome’s second album largely reins in their bloated fuzz-rock bombast for a more grounded, focused sound. They still worship Led Zeppelin, particularly on the huge and vaguely Eastern-sounding blunderbuss of a title track. But at least in the album’s latter stages there are softly chiming melodies and everyday emotions that point towards a grand future as muscular soft-rock balladeers. Perennially uncool, perhaps, but still a passionate and energetic racket.