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The 154 Best Albums Of 2014 (A very personal list…)

Hey, here are my 154 favourite albums of 2014. As usual, I haven't aimed for a fixed number; just listed everything, in a loose order, that I've enjoyed these past 12 months.

The 44th Uncut Playlist Of 2014

To Cargo, earlier this week, for what I think might have been one of my favourite gigs of the year. I wrote about Xylouris White and their "Goats" album a few weeks ago, but even that excellent record was scant preparation for Jim White and George Xylouris' incandescent live show.

Neil Young on David Crosby: “If you make a mistake you have to fix it right away”

Neil Young appeared as a guest on Howard Stern's SiriusXM radio show on October 14. During the 75 minute interview - which you can hear below - Young reiterated his recent proclamation that CSNY would never play live again, as well as his Pono digital music service, views on the Woodstock Festival and his upcoming new album, Storeytone. He also addressed his ongoing environmental concerns.

The 38th Uncut Playlist Of 2014

Listening dominated by The Necks this week, and a couple of sets I bought from them at the show on Monday night (Read my review of The Necks live at Café Oto here…). But as you'll see, some significant action elsewhere on the playlist. Play ball! Follow me on Twitter: 1 Thom Yorke - Tomorrow's Modern Boxes (Bittorrent!)

The 37th Uncut Playlist Of 2014

A bit frustrating this week, since I can't really talk about a couple of the most significant musical arrivals here, due to record label embargoes and so forth. Sorry, as ever, about the teasing: I'll reveal more as soon as I can.

The 36th Uncut Playlist Of 2014

No point in messing about this week: scroll down to hear new music from, among others, Neil Young, Cool Ghouls, Bryan Ferry, Frazey Ford, Kendrick Lamar, Joan Shelley and the extremely promising D.D. Dumbo, plus a couple of amazing full gigs from Hiss Golden Messenger and a Purling Hiss/Spacin' supersession, both courtesy of the invaluable

The 35th Uncut Playlist Of 2014

Weird serendipities aplenty this week: versions of "O, Death" on two albums I downloaded one after another, by Mike & Cara Gangloff and Bessie Jones; dovetailing into Sea Island overlap between Jones and Loscil. It makes for a nice blurring between time and genre with, say, the Gangloffs using esoteric strategies to achieve a similar kind of transcendence that Jones and the Georgia Sea Island Singers reach through more orthodox, albeit uncommonly raw, Gospel routes in these Lomax recordings from the early '60s.

The 34th Uncut Playlist Of 2014

Thanks for all the nice feedback about the Liam Hayes/Plush piece I wrote earlier in the week. Lots of other good new arrivals in the list here, and you could do worse than start off by listening to the Cool Ghouls from San Francisco, especially if you're interested in the Allah-Las, the Ty Segall axis, Nuggets ad nauseam and so on.

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