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Explosions In The Sky finally complete delayed UK tour, at London’s Astoria. (30-Jan)

With the Texan flag pinned proudly to their stage amp, post-grunge instrumental four-piece Explosions In The Sky played a solid hour-long set to a rammed London Astoria, to finish up their long delayed UK tour last night...

There Will Be Blood

A monumental work of American gothic about greed, oil and murder, starring Daniel Day-Lewis

The Third Uncut Playlist of 2008

With the next issue out of the way, we had a fairly constructive bash through a backlog of new releases today, hence not much here has figured on previous playlists. As usual, please let me know what you've been listening to: further to the Cave Singers tip I mentioned the other day, I've been quite taken with Health, who cropped up in one of your posts the other day.

Editor's Picks
